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Our Children, Nutritional Deficiencies, The Future Of Our Society

Don’t Let Children Suffer Nutritional Deficiencies

Children are our greatest asset and the source of our future success, yet the health and well-being of this “greatest asset” is failing.
“The best means of forming a manly, virtuous, and happy people will be found in the right education of youth. Without this foundation, every other means, in my opinion, must fail.”
George Washington

Research indicates that lack of proper nutrition has spawned dramatic increases in nutritionally related diseases, misbehavior and reliance on medication to control behavior of our children*. Parents must nurture their children and provide the environment, food and education that will build a strong and healthy society. The best way to provide proper health education to our youth is to be a good example of health ourselves and to feed our children healthy foods whenever possible. Our children will learn from our example and do the same for their children. Feeding our children the nutritional essentials. Even though the research is clear, we find parents allowing their children’s health to degenerate from the lack of these same nutritional essentials while claiming to “do their best.” Parental authority has been unwittingly surrendered to the “food industry.” The fast “food” giants have done their best to rule the minds of the consumer* and for that our children suffer. Competition from unworthy authorities.
The training of our children in the value of wholesome food has been taken over by unworthy “authorities” whose priority is profit from the sale of “foods” which are refined, artificial and unhealthful. Thanks to the unholy alliance of school districts with the fast food industry, our schools are filled with junk foods.* Advertisements and role models for children demonstrate drinking soft drinks and eating foods known to have little or no nutritional value and many health detriments. Thankfully, determined groups of parents and teachers are beginning to take back control of our schools’ food programs from commercial interests determined to fill them with Brand Names and LOGOs.*

But is this enough?

We Must Love That Child
Parents must take control of this dismal situation themselves. With obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, learning disabilities, behavior problems and absenteeism on the rise, where are the “virtuous and happy people” George Washington described? Is it too late? The answer is simple – IT IS NEVER TOO LATE! We (parents) must go to battle against unwholesome foods! Saving our children by training them in the habits of wholesome foods and whole food concentrate supplements may be the most important thing we can do as parents to protect and direct our children’s future health, career and family.

First – Remember you are not alone – Living Well Clinical Nutrition Center is here to help. You do your best to support your child’s important need for the nutritional essentials. Together let’s take a step to better your child’s future health.
Steps to Love That Child – Feed them:
√ A nutritious breakfast.

√ Fruits and vegetables everyday – 5 to 9 servings per day!

√ Foods high in natural fats – Butter, Nuts, Seeds, Fish
√ Pure Water
√ Smoothies – Fruit, plain yogurt, Cyrofood
Protect them from junk / snack foods:
√ Reduce or eliminate cookies, cakes, candy, crackers and chips.
√ Avoid soft drinks, food coloring and preservatives.
√ Reduce fast food – Fries, fried foods, burgers, “milk shakes”

Love That Child . . . with Nutritional Essentials
An improved society begins with our children increasing the consumption of whole foods and whole food concentrates.
Parents know how difficult it is it to get their children to sit down to a meal, let alone take the time to chew their food and eat enough fruits and vegetables. That is why whole food concentrates could be the answer parents are looking for. Whole food concentrates are just that – wholesome food that is prepared in such a way as the essential HeathBuilding qualities are protected and in fact enhanced. These whole food concentrates can easily be carried and consumed by our children at school.
Catalyn – is a whole food concentrate containing the HealthBuilding qualities of green peas, mushrooms, oats, wheat, alfalfa, carrots, wheat germ, nutritional yeast, rice bran, liver and beef lipids. Each of these foods are organically grown in rich soil and prepared in such a way that just a few tablets per day can provide a big boost to the health of our children.
Linum-B6 – Essential fatty acids are just that, essential to health. One great way of making certain our children enjoy the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids is to include a few Linum-B6 perles with their food each day. Essential fatty acids are important for proper brain function*, cardiovascular health, hormone development and many other essential functions.
SP Green Food – It is recommended that we consume 5 – 9 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily in order to meet the nutritional demands of our bodies – especially during the years of growth and development. SP Green Food is made from whole food complexes with their synergistic cofactors to support growth and development, immune system response, antioxidant protection and detoxification activities. SP Green Food has the benefits of brussels sprouts, kale and alfalfa sprouts (all organically grown).
Min-Tran – Containing the minerals found in sea kelp, alfalfa, magnesium citrate and calcium lactate – Min-Tran helps the brain function better (see Patients Speak). Consider Min-Tran and SP Green Food as a way to make up for all the salads and vegetables your child has not eaten.
Enzycore – Improved digestion and assimilation of the foods we eat is an essential to health. Enzycore is a digestive enzyme product that contains many of the important factors children need to promote proper digestion and assimilation.
Whole food health bars a convenient means to providing high protein carbohydrate controlled supplement to your child’s foods.

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. They are to support your health.

Patients Speak
Background on this testimonial: This child was classified as a behavioral risk for public schools. He was violent and would not learn anything taught to him. He was removed from two or three schools before being put in a private school for disturbed children.

“My child is hyperactive and suffers from attention deficit syndrome. The doctor examined him and determined he needed (to try) Min-Tran. He was started on it that very day at dinner. His handwriting, math and behavior has greatly improved. In the past it took three weeks to learn the 2’s, 3’s and 4’s time tables. After the nutrition he learned the 6’s, 7’s and 8’s IN ONE DAY! Over a six week period his behavior improved to the point HE GOT A STUDENT OF THE MONTH AWARD.” J.B.

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